Conditions of Use

AVANTCEM.COM is a digital project and registered trademark owned by the company AVANT CEM, S.L. with address in Pza. Tenor Cortis nº 2 03700 Denia, Alicante, Spain, with CIF B54458666, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante. This company is also responsible for managing and administering this project.

Limitation of liability of AVANT CEM, S.L.

  • The user agrees to make proper use, according to the rules previously explained, and lawful use of the website and its contents, in accordance with applicable law, so the user must refrain from making unauthorized or fraudulent use of the sections where it is possible to interact for illegal purposes or effects.
  • AVANT CEM, S.L. is not responsible for those other data, websites, images or files that can be accessed throughlinks available among its contents, protected by the Right to Freedom of Expression and Information, since such pages or files are the responsibility of their respective owners. AVANT CEM, S.L. therefore neither approves nor endorses the products, services, content, information, data, files or any kind of material on such websites or files and does not control nor is responsible for the quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the information, content, data and services available on the linked sites and the contents of the comments.
  • Similarly,links or third party content that appear on this website are provided in order to expand the information or indicate another point of view. Their inclusion does not imply acceptance of such content, nor the association of AVANT CEM, S.L. with those responsible for such websites, so it rejects any liability in connection therewith, as well as for any damage that may be caused for any reason in your computer system (equipment and applications), documents or files.
  • In the event that a competent body declares the unlawfulness of the data or contents, ordering their withdrawal, or that access to them is made impossible, or that the existence of an injury has been declared, and we have been expressly notified of the corresponding resolution, the links and contents indicated would be immediately withdrawn.
  • In any case, AVANT CEM, S.L. will act in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
  • The contents of this website are provided for informational and informative purposes. They do not constitute or replace professional advice, so AVANT CEM, S.L. disclaims any liability, direct or indirect, that may arise from the use or application of the information on this website outside its purposes.
  • The owner does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of this website or its contents for technical, security, control or maintenance of the service, for failures due to the server that hosts the contents or other intermediaries or suppliers, for attacks against the computer system, or for any other reasons arising from causes beyond its control, so it disclaims any liability, direct or indirect, for the same.
  • AVANT CEM, S.L. shall not be liable for any failures, errors or damages, direct or indirect, that may be caused to the user’s computer system or to the files or documents stored therein, that are caused by or derive from the capacity or quality of your computer system or the presence of a virus or any other harmful computer application in the computer used to connect to the contents of the website, of the quality of your connection or access to the Internet, by a malfunction of your browser, or by the use of computer applications whose versions are not updated or the corresponding user license is not obtained.

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